I am MR, MICHEAL DUKE, Chairman Debt Reconciliation Committee of the office of the presidency, I have been directed by His Excellency, the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (ALHAJI UMARU MUSA YAH'ADUA, SFF, GCRF), to bring to your immediate notice and urgent attention that this new Government understand your plight, the huge amount of money you have spent and all the disappointments you have suffered in the past to get your contract fund paid to you. Due to what we described as selective payment and incessant demand of excessive fee by some unscrupulous and corrupt erstwhile officials in charge of foreign contract payment in the past... Qué curioso. En el transcurso de un mismo día escucho hablar en dos contextos distintos del fenómeno del scam baiting y encuentro en el fax, huérfano de interesados, el enésimo modelo de reclamo nigeriano ...You will be required to make a legal payment of 750.00 to finalize this arrangement; please upon your contact with the said person do not hesitate to make the payment. If your fund happens to be an inheritance kindly write to enable us release it. Sir, on behalf of this Democratic Government of Nigeria, I apologize for any delay you might have encountered in receiving your money in the past. However, congratulations in advance! Yours faithfully.